Judicael ELIDJE, my vision of the world

Ma photo
Port-au-Prince, Ouest, Haiti
Passionné de politique, je suis pour un monde avec plus d'égalité et d'équité entre les hommes. Je suis partisan de l'éveil des consciences.

mercredi 15 août 2012




Working document

Judicael ELIDJE


 I.          Introduction
a)      Basics on gender
The term gender refers to the social differences between females and males throughout the life cycle that are learned, and though deeply rooted in every culture, are changeable over time and wide variations both within and between cultures. “Gender” determines the roles, power and resources for females and males in any culture. Most of the time, confusion exists about the term “gender” because, for many people, it evokes the specific issues regarding only women, related to sexual and reproductive health matters or gender-based violence. However, gender equality or equality between women and men refers to the equal enjoyment by females and males of all ages and regardless of sexual orientation of rights, socially valued goods, opportunities, resources and rewards[1].
Apart from gender equality, there is another key concept which is gender equity. In fact, gender equity is the quality of being fair, just and right to men and women. It includes fairness and justice in the distribution between women and men of responsibilities, access to resources, control over resources and access to benefits. The concept of gender equity deals with how men and women are able to use these opportunities to achieve a fair and just balance between them[2].
International laws and conventions such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) adopted in 1979, the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women in 1993 and the Plan of Action of the 1995 Beijing World Conference on Women, aim at promoting and achieving gender equality and equity. Despite the fact that these international rules guarantee women and men equal rights in the enjoyment and fulfilment of all human rights, women and girls continue to face inequalities in all societies. In addition, armed conflicts and naturals disasters often exacerbate discrimination and equalities.
This is what the 2000 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325[3] on women, peace and security tries to deal with. This resolution provides a useful framework from which to develop and improve policy and programming on gender, peace security and development issues. One of the most important things pointed out by this resolution is the opportunity given to civil society to demand accountability from their governments and raise public and political awareness on the issue of sexual violence and beyond. Moreover, in the last decade, the issue of violence against women has moved from the shadows to the foreground of commitments to attain sustainable development. Women’s rights advocates have mobilized within and across countries and regions to secure significant changes in national, regional and international standards and policies addressing gender-based violence[4].
b)      Overview of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
It has been generally admitted, both within academia and among practitioners, that the roots of sexual and gender-based violence lie in gender relations, which worldwide are marked by the domination of men and the subordination of women. This means that crimes against women are not considered as severe as those against men and the worldwide violent behaviour against women and girls remains unchanged. The pervasive character of domination pattern of gender relations causes that in spite of a variety of forms, violence against women is universal regarding its geographical scope and omnipresence with concerns to its manifestation from level of the house to the transnational arena[5].
Sexual and gender-based violence is therefore considered as a dramatic violation and denial of human rights and human dignity. This kind of violence perpetuates the stereotyping of gender roles that stymies human development[6]. Sexual and gender-based violence involves men and women with women usually, but not always, being the victim. It stems from unequal power relationships within families, communities and states. This type of violence is generally directed specifically against women for diverse reasons, and affects them disproportionately.
The magnitude of the problem is difficult to determine. Even in normal situations, SGBV are often unreported or underreported. The factors contributing to under-reporting-fear of retribution shame, powerlessness, lack of support, breakdown or unreliability of public services, are all exacerbated in humanitarian settings or refugee situations. The World Bank estimates that less than 10% of sexual violence cases in non-refugee situations are reported[7]. In spite of this underestimation of reported facts related to SGBV, the Inter Agency Standing Committee mentions that at least one third of the world’s female population has been either physically or sexually abused at some time in their life. The available data, though little research has been conducted on this issue, suggest that in some countries nearly one in four women may experience sexual violence by intimate partner, and up to one-third of adolescent girls report their first sexual experience as being force[8].
In the context of armed conflict and displacement, SGBV is a well known and high risk problem. It has become even more pronounced in conflict and post-conflict states of Africa including Burundi, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Sudan. Furthermore, sexual violence is often used in those contexts as a weapon of war targeting civilians.
In front of this deplorable situation, the international community supported by the civil society take a stand and say no to the guilty silence. The Brussels Call to Action to Address Sexual Violence in Conflict and Beyond in 2006 showed a strong commitment to fight against the deep root causes of sexual and gender-based violence. In fact, the representatives of governments, the European Commission, civil society and the United Nations, expressed their deep concerns about the fact that the response to sexual violence in conflict and beyond is grossly inadequate when compared to the scope of the phenomenon and agree with the report of the independent experts on women, war and peace “that the standards of protection for women affected by conflict are glaring in their inadequacy, as is the international response.” They also recognized the urgency of addressing sexual and gender-based violence as a priority. They acknowledged that effective prevention and response require long-term, holistic and coordinated efforts by multiple stakeholders that address the health, education, economic, legal, psychosocial and security concerns of affected populations[9]. The United Nations Security Council at its 5916th meeting on 19 June 2008 adopted the Resolution 1820. The resolution clearly focuses sexual violence and other forms or gender-based violence used during wars. It recalls its condemnation in the strongest terms of all sexual and other forms of violence committed against civilians in armed conflict, in particular women and children[10].
II.          Definition of key terms[11] [12][13]
Sexual and gender-based violence is broad concept. According to UNHCR SGBV guidelines, Sexual and gender-based violence and violence against women (VAW) are terms that are commonly used interchangeably. Both terms refer to violations of fundamental human rights that perpetuate sex-stereotyped roles. SGBV and VAW deny human dignity and the self-determination of the individual and hamper human development. They also refer to physical, sexual and psychological harm that reinforces female subordination and perpetuates male power and control.
However, the term gender-based violence (GBV) is used to distinguish common violence from violence that targets individuals or groups of individuals on the basics of their gender. GBV has been defined by the CEDWA committee as violence that is directed at a person on the basis of gender or sex. It therefore includes acts that inflict physical, mental or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion and other deprivations of liberty.
The term violence against women refers to any act of gender based-violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual and psychological harm to women and girls whether occurring in private or in public. Violence against women is a form of gender-based violence and includes sexual violence.
Sexual violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse, refers to any act, attempt or threat of a sexual nature that results, or is likely to result, in physical, psychological and emotional harm. Sexual violence is a form of gender-based violence.
According to IASC GBV guidelines, gender-based violence is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will, and that is based on socially ascribed differences between males and females. The nature and extent of specific types of GBV vary across cultures, countries and regions. Some examples of GBV include sexual violence including sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and forced prostitution; domestic violence; trafficking; forced and early marriage; harmful traditional practices.
The WHO ethical and safety guidelines rather enhance sexual violence and gives to this terms a wide content. Actually, it defines sexual violence as any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work. Sexual violence includes rape which is defined as a physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration, even if slight, of the vulva or anus, using a penis, other body parts or an object. Sexual violence also takes many forms which includes apart from rape, other forms such as sexual slavery and sexual trafficking, forced pregnancy, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse as well as forced abortion.
A survivor or a victim is a person who has experienced a gender-based violence. The terms victim or survivor could also be used interchangeably. The term victim is often used in the legal and medical sectors. On the other hand, the term survivor is generally preferred in the psychological and social support sectors because it implies resiliency.
To summarize, most of the concepts used here overlap each other and refer to almost the same issues. For the following part, we will use sexual violence as the key word to hint at a part of SGBV. Sexual violence is the most widespread form for SGBV used in Democratic Republic of Congo
III.          Sexual violence in Democratic Republic of Congo
Since its independence in 1960, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has endured a number of conflicts over its immense natural resources and the control of territory. The last wave of conflicts broke out in 1998 and armed conflicts are still present ten years after. Despite several peace agreements signed since this time, violence continues and thousands of people are daily suffering from their consequences. Among these consequences, sexual violence is one of the awful situations faced each day by women, men, girls and boys. The armed conflicts have attracted widespread attention in view of both the high incidence and extremely cruel nature of the acts of sexual violence committed. Sometimes, terms such as “epidemic, sexual terrorism and the war within the war” have been used to describe these acts. Sexual violence has been committed by all parties to the conflicts, seemingly as part of military strategy on all sides[14]. In spite of the progressive stabilization process started in 2002 with the Comprehensive and Inclusive Agreement signed in Sun City, the phenomenon is evolving and exacerbated by the impunity. For example, the reported cases of incidents between 2004 and 2008 through United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) data collection system shows that on the average, 1300 reported incident cases of sexual violence occurred each month (graph 1).
Graph 1: Incident reported cases of sexual violence between 2004 and 2008[15]
The first Demographic and Health Survey carried out in 2007 estimated at 4,2% of women which were forced to have sexual intercourse against their during the last 12 months before the survey and that 16,0% of women who ever in their lifetime were force to have sexual intercourse[16]. The extent of sexual violence is DRC is unacceptable and it is fuelled by impunity. In fact, in consideration of total impunity due to the collapse of legal and judicial systems, we are observing a change in the perpetrator profile. It means that, apart from the Eastern part of country currently facing military operations against rebels groups where men in uniformed are the main perpetrators, civilians are more and more involved as the perpetrators in the western part of the country (graph 2).
Graph 2: Evolution of the profile of sexual violence perpetrators between 2005 and 2008[17]
Consequences of sexual violence are damageable for survivors. Survivors are at high risk of severe and long-lasting health problems, including death from injuries and suicide. Health consequences can include unwanted pregnancy, unsafe self-induced abortions, infanticide, and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. Psychological trauma, as well as social stigma and rejection, is also common. Unfortunately, most tribes tend to wrongly blame the victim in case of sexual violence, which increase psychological harm and vulnerability. Moreover, the victim is insecure, threatened, afraid, unprotected and at risk of further violence. The fear and the permanent threat to be abducted in the farms and the possible use of women as sexual slaves compelled whole community to be totally dependent to external food aid. This situation has increased the economic and social vulnerabilities of thousands of Congolese people.
In front this extent of sexual violence, a coordination mechanism was raised in 2003 under the leadership of UNFPA. This coordination mechanism called Joint Initiative was an initiative which gathered together Government institutions, United Nation agencies and National and International NGOs as well. The main goal of the Joint Initiative was to establish an inter-agency and multisectoral programme to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence against women, men, young people and children that takes into account an appropriate referral and reporting mechanism based on an effective partnership. The different actors worked on the establishment and the functioning of a multisectoral approach which was the framework upon which actions to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence were built (graph 3).
Graph 3: Multisectoral approach framework established by the Joint Initiative[18]

Through the Joint Initiative coordination mechanism, there was an increasing interest of development partners expressed by funding several projects. The two main ones are joint projects implemented together by 3 UN Agencies (UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOHCHR) funded by the Belgian Cooperation and the Canadian Cooperation. The results achieved with the Joint Initiative are numerous in the different sectors. The Joint Initiative set up inclusive coordination bodies both at national and provincial levels. Most of the projects used the multisectoral approach as basis of their intervention. In the same line, data collection systems as well as referral pathway and networks were established. The Joint Initiative advocated for a specific law to fight against impunity which was voted in July 2006.The highest military and police hierarchy was also involved as part of the solution through a comprehensive training and sensitization programme on sexual violence and its consequences. Efforts made are considerable though enough remain to be achieved if the actors want to change the current trend. Since 2007, the government come from the first democratic elections took the lead of the fight against sexual violence by its Ministry of Gender. The new institution started working on a new framework slightly different to the Joint Initiative with the support of different actors. The new thematic group chaired by the Ministry of Gender will in one hand facilitate a strong implication of legal, judicial, military and police authorities in the fight against sexual violence and the other hand will reinforce the commitment of central government as well as other political and administrative authorities implied in the fight against sexual violence.

IV.          Methodology
a)      Ethical and safety considerations related to data collection on the sexual violence issue[19][20].
Information on the nature and scope of sexual violence is increasingly demanded by governments, NGOs, UN organizations and humanitarian workers. When collected, analysed and reported correctly, data on sexual violence can serve many purposes, including drawing political attention to the issue and mobilizing resources for comprehensive gender-based violence prevention and response programmes. Any data collected on sexual violence must respect established ethical and safety principles, such as security, confidentiality, anonymity, informed consent, safety and protection from retribution, and protection of the data itself. The UN Action against sexual violence in conflict is a group of 12 UN agencies which role consists on advocating at high level and raises awareness during conflict about the consequences of sexual violence. They propose a set of advices that needed to be known by everyone working on data collection in sexual violence. Some of these advices formulated in terms of “Do and Don’t” are:
ü      Do verify the information wherever possible.
ü      Do examine how the data match other information coming from the field and consider how contextual factors influence data quality.
ü      Do assess the quality of the data.
ü      Do keep in mind the audience and possible use.
ü      Don't share data that may be linked back to an individual or group of individuals.
ü      Don't take data at face value: assess original sources, including their quality/reliability.
In the other hand, the World Health organization also worked on a set of interrelated ethical and safety recommendations that apply to the collection of information on sexual violence and specifically in emergencies. The eight safety and ethical recommendations are:
ü      The benefits to respondents or communities of documenting sexual violence must be greater than the risks to respondents and communities.
ü      Information gathering and documentation must be done in a manner that presents the least risk to respondents, is methodologically sound, and builds on current experience and good practice.
ü      Basic care and support for survivors/victims must be available locally before commencing any activity that may involve individuals disclosing information about their experiences of sexual violence.
ü      The safety and security of all those involved in information gathering about sexual violence is of paramount concern and in emergency settings in particular should be continuously monitored.
ü      The confidentiality of individuals who provide information about sexual violence must be protected at all times.
ü      Anyone providing information about sexual violence must give informed consent before participating in the data gathering activity.
ü      All members of the data collection team must be carefully selected and receive relevant and sufficient specialized training and ongoing support.
All these advices and ethical and safety recommendations will guide us in the choice of our interview type as well as the interview method.
b)      Choice of interview type
Using qualitative methods is necessary to complement quantitative methods in order to better understand the phenomenon under study. Qualitative methods are particularly appropriate when you are trying to understand the opinions and behaviours of people[21]. Qualitative research used multiple methods that are interactive and humanistic. Although generally following the ruses of normal conversations, interviews also have distinctive features. A normal conversation can drift along with little goal, but in interviews, the researcher gently guides the discussion, leading it through stages, asking specific questions, and encouraging the interviewee to answer in depth and at length[22].
Babbie and Mouton[23] mentions that the interview process should be completed in seven stages which are:
i)        thematizing: clarifying the purpose of the interviews and the concepts to be explored;
ii)      designing: laying out the process through which you will accomplish your purpose, including a consideration of the ethical dimension;
iii)    interviewing: doing the actual interviews;
iv)    transcribing: writing a text of the interviews;
v)      analysing: determining the meaning of gathered materials in relation to the purpose of the study;
vi)    verifying: checking the reliability and validity of the materials;
vii)  Reporting: telling others what you have learned.
In addition to that, qualitative research gives an opportunity to further investigate, generate information and increase knowledge. The unanticipated nature of that type of research could be helpful sometimes to highlight what people really think and really do than answers in a formal survey situation. The choice of completely open-ended ad hoc conversations with interviewees is allowing them to be interested in talking freely about the topic under study. The distinguishing feature of qualitative interviews is their continual probing and cross checking of information and a cumulative building on previous knowledge rather than adherence to a fixed set of questions and answers[24].
Interviews involve active participation by participants and create sensitivity to the participants in the study. In order to better understand how to improve the prevention and response mechanisms to sexual violence, the unstructured interview method has been chosen. The reasons evoked for this choice are mentioned in the next lines.
Unstructured interviewing seems to be the most widely used method of data collection in cultural anthropology. In this approach, the researcher has an idea in mind of the topics to be covered, and may use a topic list as a reminder, but there is minimal control over the order in which the topics are covered, and over the respondents’ answers. Unstructured interviewing is informal and conversational, and the aim is to get the informants to “open up,” and to let them express themselves in their own terms. The key to successful unstructured interviews is learning how to probe effectively, which means that it is important to stimulate an informant to produce more information without injecting the researcher’s words, ideas or concepts into the conversation[25].
According to Annabel, unstructured interview is normally non-directed and a flexible method. There is no need to follow a detailed interview guide. Each interview is different. Interviewees are encouraged to speak openly, frankly and give as much detail as possible. The interviewers ask questions that respondents would be able to express their opinions, knowledge and share their experience. In an unstructured interview the researcher has to be a good listener and note new or interesting data the interviewee gives. It requires good communication and facilitation skills[26].
My aim is to allow participant to be free and relate whatever they want for each subject that would be discussed. I will want to be directive in order to guide maybe some answers. This method will facilitate the collection of information and will give the opportunity to get another understanding of the issues chosen in the questions.
c)      Interview questions
In order to follow some of these stages, few questions have been designed to address some issues of sexual violence. These questions are related to specific issues about sexual violence in Democratic Republic of Congo that needed to be addressed in a coordinated manner. The questions are subdivided in five themes which are respectively coordination mechanism, Multisectoral approach and referral pathway, data collection system, national ownership and impunity. The set of questions are:
        i.            Coordination mechanisms
ü      What are the current coordination mechanisms at both national and provincial level?
ü      How do these coordination bodies function?
ü      What are the gaps and how could they be improved?
      ii.            Multisectoral approach and appreciation of referral pathway
ü      What could be your appreciation of the functioning of the multisectoral approach among different actors?
ü      How could the prevention and response be improved?
ü      How can the referral pathways be improved?
    iii.            Data collection systems
ü      What is your appreciation of the current data collection systems?
ü      How could the data collection system be improved?
    iv.            National ownership
ü      How could you qualify the role and the leadership of ministries at both national and provincial levels in the coordination bodies?
ü      What should be the role of government in line with Paris Declaration?
      v.            Impunity
ü      According to you what could be the appropriate strategy to fight against impunity?

V.            Key findings, strengths and weakness of interviews
a)      Interviews
Three people were interviewed as required. Two of them are from UNFPA and one is from UNDP. Time for each interview carried out ranged from 19 minutes to 43 minutes. The three interviews have been recorded with a recorder appliance and filmed with a cell phone in order to increase the chance to capture required information. All the interviewees are currently working on sexual violence. The questions were not literally read. The idea was to explain the questions as much as possible in order to allow the interviewees to better understand what I was looking for. Each interview started with warm greetings, a brief introduction of me and the interviewees, the topic and the reason why I was undertaking this work. The three interviews were done French and then translated in English for the purpose of the exercise.
b)      Some key findings after the interview
The best interview was at the same time the longest one. The interviewee is from UNFPA. The second and weak one was the shortest. The interviewee is from UNDP. It is of course not related to the length of each of them, but it is based upon my appreciation about the quality of information I learned from them and how I managed the interview process.
        i.            Coordination mechanisms
The first interviewee showed a very good understanding of coordination issues and gave a detailed description of coordination mechanisms existing for sexual violence in DRC both at national and provincial level. She started from the genesis, I mean the beginning of the coordinated effort to fight against sexual and showed the different steps set up to reach the current coordination bodies. She also made a clear distinction between development coordination mechanisms and those used by the humanitarian community. The answer given should at the time allow anyone who does not have any information about coordination bodies of sexual violence a clear picture of the situation. One key recommendation coming from that interview was ensuring the coordination among donors in order to harmonize their approaches. She said that “we very often talk about coordination among UN agencies and NGOs, but one gap is to push donor to improve their own coordination. Even if they started, they need to go further than now”.
In the other hand, the second interview showed only the provincial coordination bodies without mentioning any present development. The answer was too narrow and not really meaningful.
      ii.            Multisectoral approach and appreciation of referral pathway
Both interviews acknowledged that the setting up of the multisectoral approaches as well the referral pathway and network was one of the greatest achievements of the Joint Initiative. It allowed the different actors to take care of thousands of survivors in different sectors. It also strengthened the coordination mechanisms and facilitated the update of mapping of interventions and interveners. However, the good interview recalled that prevention activities are still remaining insufficient regarding the efforts put in the response. She proposed a set of strategies to do so.
For the prevention aspects, the second interview focused on sensitization as the only appropriate strategy for prevention. She said that “in order to improve prevention within communities, advocacy and sensitization were done but the effects remained only in mains cities and towns. But we need now to go beyond especially in remote areas to sensitize people”.

    iii.            Data collection systems
The first interviewee enhanced the fact that the only reliable data collection system covering the whole country currently is the one setting up by UNFPA at the beginning of the Joint Initiative. She underlined that even if those data collection systems have been working, they did not reach the total participation of field actors. She moreover revealed that several organizations conditioned the sharing of their data by a funding. This lack of cooperation undermined sometimes the efforts made and the credibility of data available. The size of the country coupled with lack of infrastructures and logistical means did not facilitate the flow of information among actors. She quoted that “we have serious logistic issues which did not make easy the well functioning of data collection system. Members from territorial synergies are very far from cities and that distance complicate a good work in collecting data. We should also think about focusing the interventions in data collection only in place where funds are available”.
While the second interview gave a small aspect of data collection system, her focus was only put in data collection tools and how the actors should work to keep on wide spreading their use among reluctant organizations.
    iv.            National ownership
National ownership remains a key issue to deal with if we want to take a stand in the fight against sexual violence in DRC. This is in conformity with Paris Declaration on the alignment and aid effectiveness. The first interviewee pointed out the fact a real appropriation will come after a long process. Actually, the government to reach this final point should clearly indicate its vision with appropriate strategies to overcome the problem. She also added that during this process, the development partners should give a technical and financial support to the government. She mentioned at the same time that national ownership on this specific issue does not seem to be currently among the first priorities of the government in this post-conflict and reconstruction contexts. She said that “the ministry of gender does not weigh too much among the ministries”.
The second interviewee focused her intervention on national ownership on how to build capacity and reinforce the legal and judicial systems.
      v.            Impunity
The weak point of the fight against sexual violence is the legal aspect as said by both interview. To truly fight against impunity, said the first interviewee, a real change must be operated through an in-depth reform of the legal and judicial systems. This process will take long and intermediate actions have to be done first. Before that happen, transitional justice, customary laws and legal public judgements have to be used as transitory measures. The second suggested two main measures to fight against which are the reviewing of the law and the sensitization of grassroots communities especially in avoiding social arrangement about sexual violence. She evoked that “fighting against impunity needs to start at grassroots levels. In fact, the community encourage indirectly the perpetrators. They seek for friendly arrangements with perpetrator”.
c)      Strengths and weaknesses of the two interviews chosen
Carrying out the three interviews was a very good exercise and a meaningful learning process. Most of my previous experience in interviewing people was face-to-face interview with a structured questionnaire and closed questions. I have also conducted focus group. This trial allows me to learn about my strengths and my weaknesses in conducting these interviews.
Strengths in conducting these unstructured interviews
·        Development of my listening skills
As required in the document read, to conduct a good unstructured interview, the interviewer needs to have good listening skills. During these interviews, I have only talked to give an idea about the topic that should be discussed. I spoke in each interview less than 3 minutes. I also adopted an active listening position with appropriate body movements. This situation makes the interviewee to feel at ease and so express themselves freely.
·        Learning and gaining of new knowledge
I have been working in the area of sexual violence since 2005. The issue is passionate because of daily challenges that need creative and thoughtful approaches. However, I found the interviews fruitful because I gained different perspectives from each interviewee. Each interview had a specific understanding of each question asked. For example, the interview considered as the best one gave a specific direction on the fight against impunity. She said: “...there is clearly need to change things. A lot of things must be done. The legal reform should take into account several aspects. This reform should consider the existing constraints in terms of human resources, size of the country, the facilities and availability of justice personal in order to have a logical system which will be simple and very close to the population...”
·        Flexibility and uniqueness of each interview
I have prepared a set of questions on the different topics. I did not read at all the questions. I used them to guide my explanations depending on the interviewee. In the other hand, the interviewees had also time to develop their ideas and give details as much as possible. The answer for the first question for the best interview took 14 minutes because the interviewee covered a wide aspect of the question. Each interview was quite different and unique. I enjoyed the first interview even if it took long.
·        Giving facts and examples to better explain
During the interview, examples and facts have been often used to underlie the explanations. These elements made the interview as a living conversation. Specifically, the second interview gave several examples on how communities are dealing with the issue of impunity. She said that: “In some cases, when the perpetrators is influent and has financial means, he is trying to negotiate with the family members and convince them to withdraw their complaints”.
·        Data validity
This opened data collection method increase the validity of data collected. The interviewees shared their experiences on sexual violence. It was genuine and fact-based.
Weaknesses in conducting these unstructured interviews
·        Translation and transcription from French to English
I personally get used to work on quantitative methods. In those cases, there are few biases in the analysis process once data have been collected and encoded whatever the language used before. However, in this particular case, I found very difficult to work and think in French before translating and transcribing in English. This situation made me work twice. In the other side, the translation from French to English favoured the loss of pieces of information because it was difficult to translate word by word, the statements of the interviews.
·        Great amount of time is required
You need time to catch up appropriate information from the unstructured interviews. On the average, the interview took 30 minutes. That is why the floor for opened and free discussions is given. On the other side, it means that both interviewer and interviewee should have time to talk. This is unfortunately not always the case in real life. So, before choosing this method, the researcher needs to be sure that people involved or target groups will be fully available.
·        More as member of the audience than actor when carrying out an interview
The aim of this method is to allow the interviewee to express himself with only little guidance. In my case, I did not find very well the second interview. She did not properly answer to the questions. But, according to this interview method, I have to be a good listener and only talk when necessary to ask questions or to have better explanation. For that purpose, I was almost obliged to listen to irrelevant and inconsequential answers and waited until the end of each question. Then after, I tried to formulate again the questions.
·        Difficulties to code, gather and analyze the data
As a research method, output coming from unstructured interviews should be unpacked and analyzed. In this specific case, it was very difficult to perceive the main trend resulting from these interviews. Apart from this aspect, the triangulation with other sources of information will not be easy because of the inconsistency of answers sometimes.

[1] Women, Girls, Boys and Men. Different needs, equal opportunities, Inter-agency standing committee, section: The basics on Gender in Emergencies PP 1-14, Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action, December 2006
[2] Distance Learning Courses on Population Issues, Course 3: Gender Mainstreaming: Taking Action, Getting Results, Module 1: Understanding Gender Concepts, UNFPA 2005
[3] www.un.org/events/res_1325e.pdf
[4] Combating Gender-Based Violence: A Key to Achieving the MDGS March 2005, PP 6-7, UNFPA, UNIFEM, UN
[5] Women in an Insecure World; Violences against women, facts, figures and analysis, edited by Marie Vlachova and Lea Biason, Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF),  2005
[6] Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons, Guidelines for Prevention and Response, chapter 1 UNHCR, May 2003
[7] Reproductive health in Refugee situation, an interagency manual, chapter4 : SGBV
[8] Guidelines for Gender-Based Violence interventions in humanitarian settings, Focusing on Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies, chapter 1: Introduction, IASC, 2005
[11]Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons, Guidelines for Prevention and Response, chapter 1 UNHCR, May 2003
[12] Guidelines for Gender-Based Violence interventions in humanitarian settings, Focusing on Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies, chapter2: Terms and definitions, IASC, 2005
[13] WHO Ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and monitoring sexual violence in emergencies, part 2: Key concepts, World Health Organization, 2007
[14] Sexual violence in armed conflict. Global overview and implication for the security sector, Megan Bastick, Karin Grimm, Rahel Kunz , Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF),  2007
[15] Brief note on Sexual Violence in DRC, UNFPA, November 2008
[16] Demographic and Health Survey, chapter 8:  Domestic violence, August 2008.
[17] Brief note on Sexual Violence in DRC, UNFPA, November 2008
[18] Adapted from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons, Guidelines for Prevention and Response, chapter 1 UNHCR, May 2003
[19] www.stoprapenow.org
[20] WHO Ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and monitoring sexual violence in emergencies, part 3: the recommendations, World Health Organization, 2007
[21] Quantitative And Qualitative Assessment Of Patient Satisfaction In A Managed Care Plan, Evaluation and Program Planning, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 129-135, 1997
[22] Qualitative interviewing- the art of hearing data, Chapter6: Interviews as Guided Conversations, Rubin, H.J. and Rubin I.S., Sage, 1995
[23] Babbie E & Mouton J (2001) The Practice of Social Research. Oxford: South Africa  pp 290-291
[24] Qualitative methods, Dr. Linda Mayoux
[25] www.rocare.org
[26] Using interviews as research instruments, Language Institute Chulalongkorn University, Annabel Bhamani Kajornboon

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