Judicael ELIDJE, my vision of the world

Ma photo
Port-au-Prince, Ouest, Haiti
Passionné de politique, je suis pour un monde avec plus d'égalité et d'équité entre les hommes. Je suis partisan de l'éveil des consciences.

mercredi 15 août 2012




Working document

Judicael ELIDJE


1.    Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in brief[1]
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has eight education districts, divided into 49 circuits, following a major redesign process conducted in 2006 and 2007. The aim of the redesign was to ensure that the WCED has the capacity to deliver the cornerstone of the province's shared growth and development strategy which is the Human Capital Development Strategy (HCDS) of the Western Cape.
Thus, following extensive research and consultation, the WCED established eight education districts, based on local government boundaries, to facilitate an integrated approach to service delivery at all levels of government, in line with national policy.
The districts include four rural districts (West Coast, Cape Winelands, Eden and Karoo, and Overberg), and four urban districts (Metro North, Metro South, Metro East and Metro Central). Rural district boundaries are based on municipal boundaries, while urban district boundaries are based on those of city wards. The boundaries also allow for an equitable distribution of schools and resources across education districts and circuits.
The WCED in the framework of the HCDS has been working to address the needs of the majority of South African children who are not completing high school successfully, with negative consequences on social and economic development. In fact, this is a reflection of the generally poor primary school education that most children receive presently. In many cases, teachers simply do not have the knowledge or skills to give the children quality education as drafted in national curricula. Only few teachers have specialised training in science subjects. They therefore need in-service training to compensate for their inferior basic education and training. There is currently, no facility for the affordable, continuous, professional development and training of primary school teachers, especially in the key areas of the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language skills and the Social Sciences. Teachers lack content knowledge and teaching skills in these areas and many simply do not cover the whole sections of the curriculum prescribed. Many struggle to interpret the demanding Outcomes-Based Education requirements of the new National Curriculum and therefore the benefits of the new curriculum are not apparent at the classroom level. Finally many teachers suffer from low morale and are often so despondent that they are ineffective.[2]
Primary Science Programme (PSP) is an NGO considered as a key partner of the education system and works closely with the Western Cape education department to contribute to the improvement of teachers in science matters under what has come to be known as the PSP programme. All schools involved in PSP’s programme are chosen by the provincial education office with their criteria in marginalized areas. In efforts to replicate this partnership, in 1998, PSP was chosen with other organizations by WCED to support teaching in Mathematics, Science, Language as well as the management of schools in urban and rural areas of the province.
2.    Primary Science Programme (PSP)
a)      Overview
The Primary Science Programme (PSP) is a 26 year old organization created in 1983 by Mrs. Ann Griffiths initially to address the shortcomings in primary science education in the schools run by the Department of Education and Training, then  responsible for African Education throughout South Africa. Their action at first aimed at fulfilling the gap occurring during the years of "Bantu Education" because African schools had to follow a separate and inferior science syllabus with very limited resources and no equipment or materials provided to schools for science experiments, for instance. Throughout the years, the PSP has positioned itself as an in-service education organisation that contributes to improve the quality of teaching and learning of the Natural Sciences and the Environment, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Language. PSP also extends support to related learning areas in the most disadvantaged primary schools in the province, to develop and support teachers in a community of shared professional experience. In general, PSP training addresses the lack of content knowledge by many teachers in the various science subjects, the lack of experience in teaching outcomes-based education and low teacher morale. This PSP content-focused training is not currently offered by the Department of Education. PSP is moreover responsive to the needs of teachers, the curriculum and the education department. PSP also focuses its action towards the development of primary school teachers’ science knowledge and understanding, and assist them to interpret educational policy and implement it practically in the classroom.
The stage 1study[3], completed in 2001 and carried out by Cliff Malcolm and Lavine Kowlas, has shown that the PSP is generally well managed, thoughtful, creative and committed. It has also enhanced the fact that PSP has changed the way teachers think about learning, assessment, curriculum design as well as teaching behaviour. The PSP works[4] in schools where the most disadvantaged communities are in the Western Cape, a province where strong inequalities reflecting dramatic extremes of wealth and poverty exist. The PSP office is based at the Edith Stephens Wetland Park (ESWP) situated close to many of the targeted schools in Manennberg, Hanover Park, Guguletu, Philippi, Crossroads, Nyanga, Khayelitsha and Mitchell’s Plain.

b)      Mission and vision
The mission of PSP is to improve the quality of teaching and learning of the sciences, the environment and related learning areas by developing a community of shared professional experience.
The PSP envisions  an excellent primary education for all South Africa’s children, where all educators are highly skilled, committed, confident and well prepared to teach; at the same time as they are well resourced and supported in the critical learning areas of the Natural Sciences and the Environment, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Language. “This solid educational foundation will empower our children to succeed in further studies and at work, and become the citizens that South Africa needs to build our society and participate in the global economy[5].
In order to achieve its vision and objectives, PSP has developed extensive competencies in several areas such as connecting school science and technology to teachers’ and learners’ life experiences, providing science enrichment to teachers beyond the curriculum, assisting teachers to be environmentally responsive,  assisting teachers to develop learners’ reading, writing and other communication skills.
c)      Governance bodies, staff, partners and funding[6]
·        Governance bodies
PSP is ruled by two main entities. In one hand, there is the Board of Trustees made up of 5 members without the donors. The board is responsible for the strategic direction and financial stability of the organization. Then there is the Advisory Committee, made up of 11 senior educators representative of the schools where the PSP either works, or is in charge of giving advice on curriculum issues, project development, organizational arrangements and communication. The Advisory Committee meets with the PSP team once a term to review the work of the PSP and acts as a strong sounding board with respect to the organisation’s direction.
·        Staffing
PSP works with core staff and regular specialist consultants. Core staff are those who ensure the well functioning of the daily work for PSP. Most of core staff are multi-skilled and highly committed and work with passion for good education delivery. Their areas of intervention range from management including finance and administration to each project coordination as well as the material development and fundraising. Even if PSP have sufficient staff to carry out properly the programme, they get used to hire in a regular base credible and experienced specialist consultants to complete specific tasks especially for facilitation.
·        Partners
Apart from the WCED, PSP works with a wide range of partners and associates. These partners and associates are involved in the targeted areas of work of PSP. The partners include academic institutions, research canters, development agencies, governmental agencies, and national and international NGOs and they.
·        Funding
PSP is more and more engaged on the process of self-funding. In fact, by hiring a part-time Fundraising Assistant they would wish to increase both internal and external funds. Internal financial means are mostly coming from the selling of produced materials. Even if this is not well developed, it still remains a key area they want to explore further[7]. The PSP has consistently received from all its donors and partners, generous support. Donors belong to private sector (banking sector, oil industry,..), philanthropic institutions (Zenex Foundation, Gatsby Charitable Trust....), governmental institutions and research organizations.
d)      Monitoring and evaluation approaches
PSP focus their intervention teacher training and not on pupils because they assume that their actions taken separately could not significantly impact any change that could occur on the final results of pupils[8]. Their monitoring actions have similar objectives. In fact, PSP staff monitors the attendance at courses through registers captured on database, the distribution of materials through database, the use by teachers of course ideas and materials in classroom tasks through classroom support and observation, the improvement in teachers’ curriculum and concept knowledge, through pre- and post-tests of key courses. PSP also uses formative continuous monitoring and reflection to improve its work. A database manager designs and sets up databases for the different projects. He/she also produces data for other information used for accountability towards donors, analysis, reports writing and publications[9].
Apart from that, teachers evaluate the quality of each course by completing evaluation forms after each course. In addition, there is an external evaluation conducted every three-year based upon the previous organization experience.
e)      Planning approach of PSP’s[10]
PSP uses a participative planning approach in most of its work. The content of the courses has been discussed by consultations with educators in an annual mass planning forum. PSP stresses interactive course methodologies and a range of methods to bridge the divide between course content development and classroom delivery. Course material is developed in a consultative manner. Teachers’ capacities are improved in order to promote their content knowledge so that they are able to plan, teach and utilize the curriculum effectively.
f)       Projects run by PSP[11]
The PSP works through several projects which are closely interrelated to each other. The PSP develops and offers through the different projects a range of courses for teachers from the Foundation Phase to Grade 7. Their courses aim at improving teachers’ teaching skills so that they can offer learners effective, practical, investigative learning experiences. The courses allow teachers to regain confidence and enthusiasm, and re-dedicating themselves to teaching and inspiring their colleagues. The focus of the different courses is the Natural Sciences, including Environmental Education, the Language, the Social Sciences and the Mathematics.
PSP has two core projects which are the Innovation project and the Cluster project. Besides these projects, there are four others which are the WCED CTI Courses, the Hands-on Environment Project (HOEP), the Zenex/Spark Project and the Indigenous Knowledge Materials.
The Innovation Project aims at developing primary teachers’ knowledge and skills and provides materials to support learning in the areas of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language, Social Sciences and the Environment. PSP promotes creativity through interactions with a “thinking out of the box” strategy. The Cluster project works with and provides resources to small clusters of schools in urban townships and rural areas by offering in-depth support to teachers with how to plan, assess and teach the Natural Sciences curriculum which should integrate Environmental Education. PSP has offered since 2006 a course in Natural Sciences for the Intermediate Phase to teachers on behalf of the   WCED at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI). PSP is now making follow-up course for previous attendees at CTLI. The Hands-on Environment Project (HOEP) aims at raising awareness of teachers on practical environmental issues in the Edith Stephens Wetland Park (ESWP). The Zenex/Spark Project is a collaborative project run with other service providers in partnership with the Metropole South District in order to work with and support all the Foundation and Intermediate Phase teachers in eight primary schools in order to boost the Literacy/Language and Numeracy/Mathematics levels of learners. The Indigenous Knowledge Materials is a special project which aims at finalizing the production of IK resources for classroom innovation. The schema below shows the interaction between the different projects, the funders and partners and makes a link with the functioning of PSP.


3.    PSP’s programme logic model
In 2007, PSP worked with over 1249 teachers from 209 primary schools, reaching more than 128 00 learners through their projects. These figures show the extent of work achieved by the organization[12]. However, PSP is still committed towards excellence and improvement of its planning process and results. Based upon that, a research was conducted during two months with the purpose to help them set clear goals and objectives and define valuable activities which could lead PSP to immediate change among the targeted schools and teachers. The research was conducted by two experts on evaluation adopted as methodology the extensive review of documentations (annual reports, evaluations reports, project documents, case studies, structures and semi-structures interviews as well as several focus groups with the main stakeholders[13]. In a common agreement with PSP staff, we decided to deliver our propositions for improvement by using the logic model.
Basically, a programme logic model is a picture of how your programme works- the theory and assumptions underlying the programme. This model provides a road map of your programme, highlighting how it is expected to work, what activities need to come before others, and how desired outcomes are achieved[14]. Using the programme logic has many benefits for the programme because it gives us a roadmap for programme success as shown in the table below.
Table 1: How logic models better position programs toward success[15].
Program Elements
Criteria for Program Success1
Benefits of Program Logic Models2
Planning and Design
Program goals and objectives, and important side effects are well defined ahead of time.
Finds “gaps” in the theory or logic of a program and work to resolve them.
Program goals and objectives are both plausible and possible.
Builds a shared understanding of what the program is all about and how the parts work together.
Program Implementation and Management
Relevant, credible, and useful performance data can be obtained.
Focuses attention of management on the most important connections between action and results.
Evaluation, Communication, and Marketing
The intended users of the evaluation results have agreed on how they will use the information.
Provides a way to involve and engage stakeholders in the design, processes, and use of evaluation.

A logic model is our conceptual tool for planning, monitoring and evaluation. It shows the sequence of actions that describes how resources are use to achieved results through the implementation of activities. We opt for a table logic model for detail actions. The key components for the model are goals, objectives, activities, targets, outputs, expected outcomes, outcome indicators, and existing sources of evidence, data to be collected, risks and assumptions. However, the schema below gives the interweaving between the activities and the results by taking into account the contextual environment.

Conceptual framework for the PSP’s programme logic model
6 Projects feed into to each other

Text Box: Problems and 
causal factors
Text Box: Problems and 
causal factors

As previously described, we will address in the next part the different problems in each of the 6 projects currently run by PSP. A logic model will be designed for the Innovation project and the Cluster project, the WCED CTI Courses, the Hands-on Environment Project (HOEP), the Zenex/Spark Project and the Indigenous Knowledge Materials. However, problems and causal factors will not be discussed in the following part.

1)      Innovation project

Goal: To improve the quality of sciences and environment teaching and learning among teachers in the Western Cape Province
Objective: To develop knowledge and skills of primary school teachers in the areas of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language, Social Sciences and the Environment in more than 100 disadvantaged primary schools of Western  Cape Town
Target group
Short term outcomes
Outcome indicators
Source of evidence
Data to be collected
Run an annual mass planning forum to clarify teachers’ needs[16]
PSP facilitators
Education department officials
1 workshop
PSP will have key innovative topics matching with teachers’ needs
Key innovative topics  addressing teacher needs drawn up
Workshop report
Ideas commonly agreed upon at workshop
Conduct consultative workshops to develop new materials on innovative topics
PSP facilitators
District officials
10 workshops
Teachers will have access to new relevant materials developed in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language, Social Sciences and the Environment
Usage of new materials developed
1. List of distribution

2. Available materials in schools
3. Site visits reports
1. Data from list of distribution of new materials to schools
2. Direct observation
Conducting training sessions 120 hours of course time for teachers on new materials
1500[17] teachers

60 workshops
Improved teachers knowledge in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language, Social Sciences and the Environment
Performance of the teachers in post-training tests
Pre and post test analysis report
Pre and post test scores
Organise competitive examination among trained teachers on the best practices on teaching the content of new innovative materials[18]

3 awards given to the first “Best Practices”
Teachers motivated to improve their teaching skills on key innovative topics in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language, Social Sciences and the Environment
Number of teachers who submitted their best practices

Competitive Examination report
Best practices stories
Provide non targeted schools and teachers with new course materials at low cost
500[19] teachers from other schools
Materials available
Teachers belonging to not targeted will have access to new relevant materials developed in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language, Social Sciences and the Environment
Use of new materials developed
List of sale

Data from list of sale

[20]Risks: 1) Design: Short courses may not provide teachers with sufficient ongoing support to sustain the quality of teaching. 2) Capability: Leadership of the PSP to sustain this project is dependent on one individual although a new management is now in place.
Assumptions: 1) PSP will set up a good monitoring system to permanently assess progress of teacher. 2)PSP will keep leading strongly this project with its new management team

2)      WCED Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute Course

Goal: To improve intermediate phase science teachers ‘content knowledge and teaching skills of the National Science Curriculum (NSC) in the Western Cape Province
Objective 1: To improve the knowledge of the intermediate phase teachers in natural science from 2009 up to 2011
Target group
Short term outcomes
Outcome indicators
Source of evidence
Data to be collected
Review Natural Science course contents dispensed to teachers at CTLI
PSP’s facilitators for natural science
New refined and adjusted curriculum in line with the NSC available for teachers’ course at CTLI
PSP will have improved the curriculum in line with the NSC for teachers’ course at CTLI
Improved content of PSP’s teaching curriculum for CTLI courses
1.PSP’s 2009 Final Report of CTLI Course
2. Teachers’ feedback from 2007 and 2008 sessions
3. Report from teachers’ after course follow up at schools
1. Teachers’ feedback from 2007, 2008 sessions and upcoming years sessions
2. Teachers’ feedback after follow up at their schools
Conduct 2 three weeks full-time course sessions for 120[21] teachers
120 Natural Science teachers from Western Cape schools
2 session of 3 weeks courses conducted for 120 teachers
Teachers will have improved  their knowledge of the NSC
Improved test scores for participants
Pre and post test analysis report
Teachers’ scores from pre and post tests
Objective 2: To improve the teaching and planning skills for intermediate phase teachers in natural science from 2009 up to 2011
Develop specific materials for lesson planning and work schedules
Teachers enrolled in the CTLI programme
Guidelines for lesson planning and work schedules
Teachers will have improved skills in lesson plans and work schedules
Alignment of lesson plans and work schedules in accordance with the NSC
PSP’s 2009 Final Report of CTLI Course
1. Lesson plans filled forms
2. Work schedule filled forms
Give participants lesson planning and work schedules assignments
Teachers enrolled in the CTLI programme
Lesson plans
Work schedule
Organise after course school visits twice a year for each teacher[22]
Teachers enrolled in the CTLI programme
Assessment of teachers’ skills in lesson planning and teaching  teacher
Teachers will have improved their skills in teaching natural science curriculum and lesson planning
Improved teaching and lesson planning skills at schools
PSP’s schools visits reports
1. Direct observation
2. Checklists
Coach teachers
Teachers enrolled in the CTLI programme
Teachers improve self reflection on teaching and lesson planning skills
Teacher will deliver natural science curriculum at school in accordance with the quality and standard as required by the WCED
Respect of teaching standards
PSP’s coaching sessions annual report

1.Focus group
2. Online questionnaires on their teaching skills improvement addressed to teachers
Risks: 1) The public service strike will disrupt course sessions at CTLI and lead to postpone school visits; 2) Shortcomings of staff at PSP to carry out planned activities.3) CTLI will choose another institution to conduct the training course on Natural Science
Assumptions: 1) PSP will manage with WCED to plan the 2 sessions during periods without planned strikes of public service. PSP will raise funds to hire consultants to implement all planned activities on time.

3)      Indigenous Knowledge (IK) Materials[23]

Goal: To improve the Indigenous Knowledge of teachers and students
Objective: To integrate the Indigenous Knowledge resources into developed materials on natural science for classroom innovation
Target group
Short term outcomes
Outcome indicators
Source of evidence
Data to be collected
Finalize the production of IK resources
PSP staff
New resources on IK produce
Teachers will use the produced on IK
Usage of materials
School visit reports
Incorporate indigenous knowledge into new material developed for the science curriculum
PSP staff
IK included into new materials
Teachers will have improved their understanding of IK
Usage of materials
School visit reports
Observation/ integration of developed materials
Develop new methodologies to teach IK
Teachers will have improved their teaching skills of IK
Usage of guidelines
School visit reports
Apply for fund by submit a research proposal on IK to the National Research Foundation
National Research Foundation
Finalized research proposal
Proposal accepted for funding
Funding for the 3 years project
Letter of agreement for funding
Amount of money given for the research proposal
Risks: 1) Lack of funds to find out new IK
Assumptions:  2) PSP will strengthen their strategies to increase data collection for IK

4)      Cluster project

Goal: To improve teachers’ knowledge to teach Natural Science Curriculum in an effective manner at targeted schools in the Western Cape Province
Objective: To offer support to primary school teachers from 48 schools in order to improve their planning, teaching and assessment of Natural Sciences in schools situated in urban townships and rural areas of the Western Cape.
Target group
Short term outcomes
Outcome indicators
Source of evidence
Data to be collected
Develop training modules for G4-7 in 6 key areas
Teachers from 48 schools
Training package produced
PSP will have access to an appropriate set of training manuals
Use of set of training manuals to teach Natural Science
Training sessions reports
Direct observation
Translate and adapt into other languages (Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu,..) the developed training modules
Teachers from 48 schools
Training package translated into Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu

Run workshop to train teachers in planning, teaching and assessment of Natural Sciences
Teachers from 48 schools
Teachers  will have improved their  skills in planning, teaching and assessment of Natural Sciences
Number of teachers who pass the integrated post test in planning, teaching and assessment with 50%
Post test results reports
Pre and post score
Visit sites of cluster schools to observe trained teachers’ lessons on Natural Science
Teachers from 48 schools
Site visits of cluster schools
Teachers will have improved their  skills in teaching Natural Sciences

Number of teachers who achieve with 50% the lesson observation performance test [24]
Performance test report
Performance test scores
Visit sites of cluster schools to mentor teachers on site
Teachers from 48 schools
Guidance provided to teachers on site according to curriculum guidelines[25]
Assist teachers with planning schedules
Teachers from 48 schools
Planning schedules available for each teacher
Teachers will have improved their skills in planning schedules
80% of trained teachers have a planning schedule on Natural Science
School visits report
Filled planning schedule form on Natural Science
Assist teachers with appropriate design of learners’ assessment
Teachers from 48 schools
Standardized learners’ assessment framework on Natural Science available at cluster schools
Teachers will have improved their skills in assessing learners on Natural Science
80% of trained teachers  assess their learners on Natural Science in accordance with the standardized framework
School visit report
Filled form of learners’ assessment 
Promote experiences sharing across clusters schools, between teachers and the officials of the WCED
Teachers from 48 schools
1 Workshop for sharing experience each semester
Teachers will have improved their  skills in planning, teaching and assessment of Natural Sciences
Key best experiences  drawn up
Report of workshops
Direct observation
Risks: 1) Limited access by teachers to materials produced because of language barriers. 2) Weak monitoring and evaluation component which leads to lack of sustainability of Cluster project.
Assumptions: 1) PSP will translate all available and produced materials into other languages to widespread their use. 2)PSP will develop a strong monitoring and evaluation component to demonstrate the success of the Cluster Project and to continually improve on our work

5)      The Zenex / Spark Project

Goal: To improve the knowledge of both teachers and students on literacy/language and numeracy/mathematics at the foundation and intermediate
Objective: To boost the literacy/language and numeracy/mathematics levels of knowledge of students at the foundation and intermediate phase in 8 selected primary schools in the South Metropole District in the Western Cape Province by 2009
Target group
Short term outcomes
Outcome indicators
Source of evidence
Data to be collected
Run full-day workshops each term
207 teachers from 8 selected schools
5 workshops per term
Teachers will have improved their knowledge in literacy and numeracy
Teachers use teaching guidelines in literacy and numeracy
School visits reports
Direct observation
Visit each school once per term
207 teachers from 8 selected schools
8 school visits per term
Teachers will have improved their teaching skills in literacy and numeracy
Teachers use teaching guidelines in literacy and numeracy
1. School visits reports
2. Lesson plans
3. Assessment grids
Direct observation
Provide individual classroom based support to teachers once a term
207 teachers from 8 selected schools
Support sessions
Teachers demonstrate improved teaching methodologies in literacy and numeracy
Sponsor outgoings with students at the ESWP
Sponsor outgoings with students at the ESWP
Organize a mentorship programme to favour mutual learning and experiences sharing between PSP’s facilitators and teachers[26]
207 teachers from 8 selected schools
Mentorship program designed
Teachers will have improved their knowledge by identifying their weaknesses in teaching and contributing to address
Sponsor outgoings with students at the ESWP
Sponsor outgoings with students at the ESWP
Risks: 1) Stoppage of funding the Zenex project.
Assumptions:  PSP will reinforce their advocacy and fund raising strategies to raise funds to ensure the sustainability of this project

6)      Hands-on Environment Project (HOEP)

Goal: To improve awareness and understanding of teachers on crucial environmental issues
Objective:  To encourage and support teachers to be environmentally responsive
Target group
Short term outcomes
Outcome indicators
Source of evidence
Data to be collected
Conduct workshops to support teachers to make full use of the Edith Stephens Wetland Park (ESWP) to investigate a range of issues from biodiversity to water issues
One workshop conducted per month[27]
Teachers  will have improved their knowledge of the environment  
Teachers have enhanced knowledge and practical skills to engage students in environmental education at ESWP
Reports on pre and post test of teachers on environmental issues
Teachers’ score of pre and post test on environmental issues
Produce a handbook about environment issues at the ESWP
Park guards
Book published
Use of handbook by teachers and park guards
Teachers and park guards will have engaged students practically in ESWP 
Reports on observation of teachers and park  guards with students
Observation of teachers with students
Sponsor outgoings with students at the ESWP
Visits in the  park
Students and teachers will have improved their knowledge about environment issues at the ESWP
Increased knowledge of teachers and students of ESWP
Reports on observation of teachers and park  guards with students
Observation of teachers with students
Risks: 1) Stoppage of funding the HOEP-Environmental project
Assumptions:  PSP will reinforce their advocacy and fund raising strategies to raise funds to ensure the sustainability of this project

4.    Discussion on keys risks and concerns for the PSP’s programme
PSP is currently running 6 valuable projects with specific focus on building teachers’ capacities on key matters of the national curriculum. Their devotion to improve the quality of teaching at primary stage throughout the years has given them a strong notoriety and set the organization as a key and valuable partner for the WCED. As they evolve in dynamic environment underpinned by the current social, economic and political changes in South Africa, the PSP needs to readapt their strategies to keep on achieving good results. Even if the logic model designed gives a clear picture of what PSP wants to achieve this year and the next coming ones, it is important to take into account the risks in order to mitigate them properly.
a)      Risks
The PSP offers short courses to teachers ranging from one day in the Zenex/ Spark project to 3 weeks at CTLI. These trainings may not provide teachers with sufficient ongoing support to sustain the quality of teaching. A lot of good quality training materials and manuals have been developed in the different areas of intervention. However, most of them are in English. Most of training materials and manuals are not yet translated into Afrikaans, Xhosa and Zulu to wider their extent. This situation may limit the access by teachers to materials produced because of language barriers. Accountability towards different donors requires delivering quality results. If PSP has a weak monitoring and evaluation system, this situation may lead to stoppage of funds and loss of credibility. Besides those risks which if they happen could seriously impede the programme implementation, the most important risk might be the stoppage of collaboration between the PSP and the WCED. The in-depth discussion with PSP’s staff about those risks reveals that the first ones have a high probability to occur without appropriate actions taken to address those issues. At the same time, the PSP recognized that the loss of the tender for WCED CTLI course would remove an important part of their programme. To avoid this, a strong management leadership must sustain this project.
b)      Assumptions and areas of concerns
The assumptions represent underlying beliefs or ideas about why the specific strategies and activities implemented by the programme will lead to the desired outcomes. As with problem/issue statements, clearly defining and understanding the assumptions associated with the program’s strategies and activities are fundamental to the logic modelling process. Although frequently overlooked, assumptions have a significant impact on program outcomes. If strategies and activities are developed based on false or inaccurate assumptions, the program strategies and activities may result in poor, unintended, or negative outcomes[28].
The PSP could achieve all planned results and expects to do more only if the required conditions have been set up. The PSP wants to make a positive difference to teacher’s lives and empower them to engage in dialogue about their own teaching practice with a view to improving their craft. The WCED must work closely with the PSP to choose schools and allow them to implement their programme within selected schools. The WCED has to support PSP’s initiatives in training teachers and developing materials. The PSP should also receive financial means for the programme on time to work adequately. The PSP would therefore ensure transparency and accountability towards donors in the management of the funds raised. These actions will be strengthened with a very strong, well thought and functional result-based monitoring and evaluation system to track result indicators and changes. Teachers should show a real commitment to improve themselves. They have to work collectively towards a common purpose so that they can have a more positive impact upon practice. Leaders from schools enrolled in PSP’s programme can create environments where teachers want to learn.
5.    Use of logic modelling in programme theory: benefits and challenges
The program logic model is defined as a picture of how your organization does its work – the theory and assumptions underlying the program. A program logic model links outcomes (both short- and long-term) with program activities/processes and the theoretical assumptions/principles of the program. The purpose of a logic model is to provide stakeholders with a road map describing the sequence of related events connecting the needs for the planned programme with the programme’s desired results. Mapping a proposed programme helps you visualize and understand how human and financial investments can contribute to achieving your intended program goals and can lead to programme improvements. A logic model brings also programme concepts and dreams to life. It lets stakeholders try an idea on for size and apply theories to a model or picture of how the programme would function.[29]
According to Peter Rossi et al.[30], an evaluator, after performing consultations with stakeholders and independent analysis of the programme could construct a conceptual model of how the programme is expected to work and the connections presumed between its various activities, functions and the social benefits it is intended to produce. Even if there is no general consensus about how best to represent programme theory, a logic model is a powerful tool which lays out the expected sequence of steps going from programme services to beneficiaries outcomes.
A pilot study to address the issue of domestic violence services and coordinated community responses carried out by Marina A. Adler in the metropolitan area of Baltimore (Maryland / USA) illustrates the modification of evaluation planning tools such as documents models, logic models and program theory models in planning an evaluation[31]. Domestic violence are multifaceted that is why they need to be addressed in a comprehensive and collaborative way with an integrated service delivery system. The evaluation undertaken focuses on assessing the performance of programmes within various components of the system (judicial, crisis intervention, social services, health care). Marina A. Adler chose a logic model as shown below to recommend a holistic theory-based evaluation approach to examine the entire system and linkages among, the system components. The model presented here reflects how the program should be implemented and shows how the program components are linked to outputs, objectives and ultimate goals of the program. The intent was to establish a framework that can guide future holistic theory-based evaluation efforts. The insights gained inform evaluation research design and encourage improvements in performance evaluations of comprehensive community initiatives. Even if the logic modelling process gives an opportunity to enhance what the planner or the evaluator wants to show, it will be good to particularly mention that the specific case here leaves aside how the outcomes will be achieved.

In fact, in her evaluator’s perspective, she put the focus more on capturing the results instead of the process. This seems to be the reason why activities, inputs are not seen. The model looks quite different to the one often taught by the University of Wisconsin- Extension-Cooperative Extension[32] and adapted by John A. McLaughlina et al[33].
This “unusual” graph used by Marina clearly mapped out the linkages in the system to prevent and respond adequately to domestic violence. She went through an inclusionary approach. This constitutes one positive point to the use of logic model. A planner or an evaluator could not formalize a logic model alone. He necessarily needs a participative and inclusive approach to bring out multiple points of view in order to facilitate cooperation at later stages in the planning/evaluation process. That will also prevent possible stakeholder hostility and diffuse concerns about not being involved in the process. So the logic model could help to define a shared language and shared vision for community change. The terms used in a model help to standardize the way people think and how they speak about community change. It gets everyone rowing in the same direction, and enhances communication with external audiences, such as the media or potential funders[34].
Apart from this aspect, logic modelling provides a number of additional benefits[35]. First of foremost, logic models integrate planning, implementation, and evaluation[36]. The logic model is equally important for planning, implementing, and evaluating the programme/project because it gives a detailed description of your initiative, from resources to results, For a planner, the modelling process leads him to think more like an evaluator. If the purpose is evaluation, the modelling process prompts discussion of planning. For those who implement, the modelling process answers practical questions about how the work will be organized and managed. The logic modelling requires a backward and forward process to adjust the model to fine-tune the outcomes component of a programme[37].
Logic models leverage the power of partnerships. The process allows participants to make changes based on consensus-building and a logical process rather than on personalities, politics, or ideology. The clarity of thinking that occurs from the process of building the model becomes an important part of the overall success of the program. However, the purpose of the partnership in the development of a logic model should be clearly understood to avoid failures[38].
It is important to underline the fact that the use of logic models enhances accountability by keeping stakeholders focused on outcomes. A logic model could be actually used as a dashboard or a guide for a programme/project manager. In a collaborative partnership, the logic model makes it clear which effects each partner creates and how all those effects converge to a common goal. Every key stakeholder is therefore accountable and needs to tell how resources and activities fit in to perform in a right way the programme/project[39].
In the same way, data needs and a framework for interpreting results can be brought out by logic models. With a logic model, programme planners can identify intermediate effects and define measurable indicators for them. The definition of indicators will allow the planners to set up a system for tracking changes at each step along. The use logic model will help in this case to be focused on data collection activities for relevant activities and outcomes, to organize and interpret the data from multiple methods and sources within an integrative framework[40].
Logic models could help planners as well to set priorities for allocating resources. A comprehensive model will reveal where physical, financial, human, and other resources are needed. When planners are discussing options and setting priorities, a logic model can help them make resource-related decisions in light of how the program's activities and outcomes will be affected.
Though the logic model represents an essential tool for planners and evaluators, it is not an end in itself. In fact Joseph S. Wholey et al in his book “Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation”[41] states three primary areas of criticism of logic models. The first is that people take so much time and resources doing logic modeling that there aren't enough resources left to complete whatever task the logic model was to facilitate. He recommended avoiding the design of a logic model for perfection. If time and resources are limited, it is better to construct only a high level of logic model without too many details. The logic model designers should plan cost and schedule to include downstream activities such as choosing performance measures or planning next steps. In order to deal properly with this issue, it is important to include all benefits in cost-benefit analysis, including team building, benefits to stakeholders as well as evaluator. A second criticism is that logic models are too linear or people tend to assume a temporal sequence that may not be the case. In real life, the integrated components of the logic model will not take place exactly as planned because external factors could influence the logic of the model in a wide extent. A third area of criticism is that the models themselves or the use of the models is rigid rather than dynamic and thus doesn't capture the change inherent in the program and its circumstances.
According to Lisa Bear[42], there are two points to be faced by planners using a logic model. First, the planners begin with the inputs and work through the desired outcomes. These outcomes may result in a natural tendency for ourselves to limit our thinking to existing activities, programs, and research questions because it helps us reach our ideas quicker. To help us think “outside the box,” it is suggested that the planning sequence be inverted, thereby focusing the outcomes to be achieved. Reversing the process enables planners to ask themselves “what needs to be done?” to begin with rather than facing what has already been done. Secondly the logic model is a linear model of learning and is sequential. The teaching methods must reflect that it can be used to simulate a multi-dimensional process. In a single project we should keep in mind to use a simple single category to enter each item.
Other challenges could be faced during the process of modeling. There is always a danger that it will not be correct, no matter how logical your model seems. To avoid this trap, the logic model designers should bear in mind the fact that the real effects of intervention actions could differ from the intended effects. As logic model ought to be logical, those who are trying to follow the logic establish could magnify any inconsistency or inaccuracy. This places a high burden on logic model designers to pay attention to detail and refine their own thinking to great degree. Establishing the appropriate boundaries of a logic model can be a difficult challenge. In most cases, there is a tension between focusing on a specific program and situating that effort within its broader context. Many models seem to suggest that the only forces of change come from within the program in question, as if there is only one child in the sandbox. [43]

[1] The Western Cape Education Department website (http://wced.wcape.gov.za )
[2] SASIX website (www.sasix.co.za )
[3] PSP Evaluation: Next steps. Cliff Malcolm and Lavine Kowlas Tuesday, 08 April 2002
[4] PSP and SASIX websites
[5] Adapted from information picked up on PSP and SASIX websites
[6] Information got from PSP website and Annual report 2007
[7] Assumption based on discussion with PSP’s Director at Stellenbosch
[8] Assumption based on discussion with PSP’s Director at Stellenbosch
[9] Assumption based on discussion with PSP’s Director at Stellenbosch
[10] PSP website
[11] PSP website and annuals reports 2007, 2006 and 2005
[12] Annual report 2007
[13] Assumption made to introduce this part.
[14] W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Foundation Evaluation Handbook (1998); Logic Model Development Guide, Updated January 2004, P. 1
[15] Ibid as the previous reference ,P 6
[16] Assumption made based upon readings from SASIX website (http://www.sasix.co.za/projects/reportback/EDU-WC-MAY-0004/) and PSP’s 2006 Annual report.
[17] Assumption
[18] Assumption
[19] Assumption
[21] Assumption made because the 2007 annual report and PSP’s final report for CTLI course mentioned over 50 teachers attended each of these full-time courses for three weeks.
[22] PSP’s final report for CTLI course mentioned that the once-off visits offer a limited support and they did not really benefit to the majority of the teachers who are not selected for visits. I assumed that this area need to be improve, that is why I proposed two visits for each teacher.
[23] The Indigenous Knowledge Materials project seems to be not properly developed in PSP’s available document in the website.  Almost everything written in this part must be considered as assumptions. I also got information from: 1) Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Department of Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa, Chapter 2; 2) Evaluation of the Western Cape Primary Science Programme, Stage 3, 2003; 3) Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Programme, the National Research Foundation in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa, 10 mars 2009;
[24] Assumption
[25] Assumption
[26] Assumption
[27] Assumption
[28] The Flex Monitoring Team, Creating Program Logic Models: A Toolkit for State Flex Programs, April 2006
[29] W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Foundation Evaluation Handbook (1998); Logic Model Development Guide, Updated January 2004, PP 3-5
[30]Peter H. Rossi, Mark W. Lipsey, Howard E. Freeman. Evaluation, a systematic approach, 7th edition. PP 93-96
[31] Marina A. Adler, The utility of modeling in evaluation planning: the case of the coordination of domestic violence services in Maryland, Evaluation and Program Planning 25 (2002) 203–213
[33] John A. McLaughlin, Gretchen B. Jordan, Logic models: a tool for telling your program’s performance story, Evaluation and Program Planning 11 (1999) 5471
[34] Sue A. Kaplan*, Katherine E. Garrett, The use of logic models by community-based initiatives, Evaluation and Program Planning 28 (2005) 167–172
[35] The Community Tool Box, Promoting community health and development by connecting people, ideas and resources (http://ctb.ku.edu/tools/sub_section_main_1877.htm)
[36]The Flex Monitoring Team, Creating Program Logic Models: A Toolkit for State Flex Programs, April 2006
[37] Yvonne A. Unrau, Using client exit interviews to illuminate outcomes in program logic models: a case example, Evaluation and Program Planning 24 (2001) 353–36
[38] Sarah J. Fielden, Melanie L. Rusch, Mambo Tabu Masinda, Jim Sands, Jim Frankish, Brian Evoy, Key considerations for logic model development in research partnerships: A Canadian case study, Evaluation and Program Planning 30 (2007) 115–124
[39] John A. McLaughlin, Gretchen B. Jordan, Logic models: a tool for telling your program’s performance story, Evaluation and Program Planning 11 (1999) 5471
[40] Leslie J. Cooksy, Paige Gill, P. Adam Kelly, The program logic model as an integrative framework for a multimethod evaluation, Evaluation and Program Planning 24 (2001) 119±128
[42] Lisa Bear, 2006 based upon Paul F. McCawley Associate Director University of Idaho Extension work, The Logic Model for Program Planning and Evaluation (http://adulteducation.wikibook.us/index.php?title=
: )
[43] The Community Tool Box, Promoting community health and development by connecting people, ideas and resources (http://ctb.ku.edu/tools/sub_section_main_1877.htm)

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